LED panels have become increasingly popular in lighting applications due to their energy efficiency and versatility. When searching for LED panels, you may come across the terms "Edgelit" and "Backlit". But what exactly do these terms mean, and what distinguishes an Edgelit LED panel from a Backlit LED panel? In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of LED panels to help you make an informed decision.

Edgelit LED Panel: An Edgelit LED panel refers to a type of panel where the LEDs are positioned along the edges of the panel. The light emitted from the LEDs is then evenly distributed across the panel through a light guide or diffuser. This design ensures uniform illumination across the entire panel surface.

Advantages of Edgelit LED Panels:

  1. Slim and Lightweight Design: Edgelit LED panels are known for their slim and lightweight construction. They are sleek and unobtrusive, making them suitable for various indoor lighting applications.

  2. Even Light Distribution: The placement of LEDs along the edges combined with the light guide allows for consistent and uniform light distribution. This eliminates hotspots and provides a balanced illumination across the panel.

  3. Reduced Glare: Edgelit panels typically have lower glare levels due to the indirect nature of the light source. This makes them suitable for environments where visual comfort is important, such as offices or classrooms.

Backlit LED Panel: A Backlit LED panel, on the other hand, features LEDs positioned directly behind the panel, often with a diffuser layer in front to ensure even light distribution. The light is emitted from the back and travels through the panel to create a diffused and uniform illumination.

Advantages of Backlit LED Panels:

  1. High Brightness: Backlit LED panels are known for their high brightness output. The direct placement of LEDs behind the panel allows for powerful illumination, making them suitable for areas that require bright and well-lit spaces.

  2. Versatile Applications: Backlit panels are commonly used in various commercial settings such as retail stores, airports, and hospitals where a bright and visually appealing lighting solution is needed.

  3. Customizable Light Control: Backlit LED panels often offer additional features such as dimming capabilities or adjustable color temperatures. This allows for greater control over the lighting ambiance and can cater to specific preferences and needs.

Conclusion: In summary, the main difference between Edgelit LED panels and Backlit LED panels lies in the positioning of the LEDs. Edgelit panels have LEDs along the edges, providing even and uniform illumination across the panel surface. On the other hand, Backlit panels have LEDs positioned directly behind the panel, offering high brightness and versatility in lighting applications.

When choosing between Edgelit and Backlit LED panels, consider factors such as the desired lighting effect, energy efficiency, and the specific requirements of the space. Consulting with a lighting professional can also provide valuable guidance to ensure you select the most suitable option for your lighting needs.